目前分類:剪斷語言的長辮 (15)

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Many of us have wondered how entrepreneurs turn their bright ideas into financial windfalls.
The usual answers are: hard work and perseverance.
But for Steve Chen and Chad Hurley of YouTube, the correct answer was: create a product people want to use.

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With Swinger Website and sex-oriented adult dating sites, and lots and lost of pornography, the internet certainly has no shortage of territory for the naughty net surfer.

As if that wasn’t enough, there is now a wide-range of website that specializes in helping people breaking their marriage vows and cheats on their spouses.

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五柳先生傳: 原文 & 翻譯:
先生不知何許人也 亦不詳其姓字 宅邊有五柳樹 因以為號焉

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今天讀十月biz 全球趨勢一文,本月探討一挺有趣的現象—Working at Home.

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  • Jun 22 Thu 2006 21:29
  • Kites


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Of course, hoarding coins for greed goes back to the beginning of coinage.  Hoarding coins for artistic value is almost as old.  Known as “the Hobby of Kings,” coin collecting was begun in ancient times.  In fact, Julius Caesar, the first Emperor of Rome, was an avid coin collector and actually published the first know book on the subject.

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It’s been called a literary sleeper, in reference that the fact that it hasn’t been in any hurry to turn into a bestseller.  But selling well is what A treasure’s Trove, started doing soon after its author appeared on network TV in America early last December.  The timing meant no small number of copies ended up amid the piles of gifts beneath trees in living rooms across America last Christmas.
這本書被稱為『文壇黑馬』著實不為過,畢竟它在發行之際一點都沒有透露未來可能行情看漲的跡象。然後就在去年12月,A Treasure’s Trove的作者現身美國電視節目後,這本書的銷售量開始看翹。這樣一個時機意謂著在平安夜當晚,此書將躺在聖誕樹下,成為美國許多孩童的禮物。

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The world Health Organization says the planet is too fat, with more than 300 million of its citizens being obese.  The 2003 global survey showed Kuwait, Panama and Peru to be the three countries hit hardest by fat, and the United States ranks fourth with a shocking 31% of its citizens listed as obese.  Even China is fattening up, as 20% of its people are now overweight.

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                  A Little Piece of me

  When he told me he was leaving I felt like a vase which has just smashed. There were pieces of me all over the tidy, tan tiles. He kept talking, telling me why he was leaving, explaining it was for the best, I could do better, it was his fault and not mine. I had heard it before many times and yet somehow was still not immune; perhaps one did not become immune to such felony. 這樣的話我已聽過無數遍,卻怎麼也無法從語言的咒詛中掙脫;或許,根本沒有人可以對這樣的話語一笑置之吧!

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TitleBattered Bride(變調情人節)

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   The legacy of Hiroshima is, perhaps, a pledge inscribed in a memorial in the city's Peace Park: "Let all souls here rest in peace, as we will never repeat this mistake."
    The 60th anniversary of the ending of World War II offers people a moment to pause and ponder how the world and humankind should live together in peace and avert a destructive war, so that we may find a way to "never repeat this mistake.

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