It’s been called a literary sleeper, in reference that the fact that it hasn’t been in any hurry to turn into a bestseller.  But selling well is what A treasure’s Trove, started doing soon after its author appeared on network TV in America early last December.  The timing meant no small number of copies ended up amid the piles of gifts beneath trees in living rooms across America last Christmas.
這本書被稱為『文壇黑馬』著實不為過,畢竟它在發行之際一點都沒有透露未來可能行情看漲的跡象。然後就在去年12月,A Treasure’s Trove的作者現身美國電視節目後,這本書的銷售量開始看翹。這樣一個時機意謂著在平安夜當晚,此書將躺在聖誕樹下,成為美國許多孩童的禮物。
也就是說,讀過該的人,只要能夠破解(decipher)書中圖片隱藏的暗號跟訊息(code & message)誰都能夠有幸成為價值一百萬美元寶石的得主
(ending up with one million dollars in precious stones.)
想出此妙計的作者名為Michael Stadther,他自己小時候就是一名尋寶迷,時常在祖母家挖洞(dug holes)但可想而知,他的所為必定是無功而返(be in vain)成人後,他有幸在軟體業創業成功(struck gold in software industry)更得天佑般的,他在1996年售出手中股份,為此可以及時從接下來崩盤的網路泡沫化中安全脫身,而且還小賺一筆(to reap a small fortune prior to the burst of the dot com bubble)這一筆錢,有一部份就被他拿來兌現孩提時的夢想──
出版一本跟尋寶有關的圖書童書(picture book)
最初他的構想四處碰壁,沒有任何出版社願意替他出版(He tried to sell his idea to publishing houses big and small, only got turned down in each instance.)但本著不屈不撓的精神(undaunted)他決定自己掏錢出版自己撰寫並插圖的童書。
現在,當初那些不識良馬的出版社,看著此書初版便狂銷五十萬冊的佳績,大概正捶胸頓足吧!(may well be kicking themselves in hindsight)並且以此長銷情況推敲(continue apace),此書若再版一定會增加目前二倍的印刷量。
(the next printing may end up putting twice as many copies on bookstore shelves)
A treasure’s T rove的全名是A Treasure’s Trove: A Fairy Tale About Real Treasure for Parents andChildren of All Ages.  如書名所示,該書不僅擄獲兒童的心,很多家長自己也是抱著『挖金
夢』而購買此書。內容大概是講述一個名為Zak的樵夫對抗邪惡精靈的故事;精靈對森林及動物下咒(put a forest and its creatures under his spell),使他們變成十二種寶石,(Rubies, sapphires and other jewels)而Zak的任務就是打敗邪惡精靈,幫助被下咒的動物跟森林生物恢復原形。
Michael Stadther在接受訪問時,提示所有欲按圖索驥的尋寶者(would-be treasure hunters)寶石的所在地不會被埋起來,也不會藏在私人房地產中。它們沒有在任何東西之下,所以尋寶者不需要移動任何物品。
(They are not buried, not on private property, not under anything, nothing has to be mved.)
同時他還留下一條線索:寶物不在危險的地方,所以不必跋山涉水(go under the deep or trek)
很多人看出此書與1979年英國作家Kit Williams的暢銷小說化妝舞會 (Masquerade)概念雷同(see parallels between the two books),Michael Stadther也很大方地承認自己的確是受了該書的啟發(readily admits to being inspired by the book)
Masquerade的寶藏於1982年讓它的讀者根據書中提供的線索(clues)在英國鄉間找到;參加此淘寶熱的人來自世界各地十幾個國家(It inspired a massive treasure hunt whose participants hailed from dozens of countries the world.)
而目前A Treasure’s Trove的寶藏還藏在美國某一處,等待有心之人尋獲。在此書付梓後迄今已有四顆寶石被尋得,想要逐鹿中原的人(those who want to join in the chase)在謎底揭曉的2007年之前,卯足勁加油吧~(The hunt won’t officially come to a close until the final day of 2007.)


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