Konata says fall is the season for reading, so she spends lots of time & money on books.
When asked of why she didn't borrow some from the lib by Kagami, Konata says: "Well, I don't think manga belongs to a Lib repetoire".
And now Kagami & Tsukasa know what kind of "reading" Kanta means....

Konata and Tsukasa are trying hard to prepare for the mid-term exam.
Konata lose her concentration soon after she starts reading and Tsukasa cann't hang out either.

Konata Called Miyuki for some tips on reading; and was told to take it easy and act as usual self will be fine. (it really depends, for a diligent student like Miyuki, this may work, but certainly not for Konata)

The result came out, Kagami did slightly worse than she usualy does while Tsusa, having enlisted her elder sister's help, did better than expected.
And our Konata, with her confidence, totally screw up!
(not surprising at all)
Still Kanta is very positive cuz she didn't make any promise with her dad this time--

Then the four girls started talking about blood type, Konata brought this up by pointing at Miyuki, saying that she possesses the characteristics of a type A.
Yet Miyuki told them she was actually type O, and said she matches many qualities as being a type O.

Many people mistake Kanta for being a type B, but it is Kagami who are a type B, and Konata is a type A.

Then they continued the subject by talking about Sushi horoscope.
Konata made fun of Kagami & Tsukasa being cucumber rolls, saying that hardly counts for a Sushi kind; turns out she is herself a  sliced ginger! 

That night, Kagami called to tell Konata that even twins have different blood type since she and her sis are not identical twins.
(very typical what a type A will do...)

Poor Tsukasa, I can see how you feel!
the sibling complex!

To get relax after the exam, the three decided to see a horror movie (not so relax for Tsukasa)
Konata seemed to show up late again, and Kagami started to irritate.
The truth is, Konata has been by their side, only that she hid her stample so no one can recognize her--
What a convinent feature!

After the movie, they felt liking grabbing some bites--
at a all-you-can-eat cake buffet!
First round, all of them seemed very content and enjoy the cakes

But they can't make it to finish the second round, starting to feel full and cann't have another bites.
Remembering that the waitress said they have to pay extra money for the leftovers, Kagami forced Konata & Tsukasa to gobble the left cakes down.
This really no fun at all!

I wonder what kind of face Konata poses...

Kagami said she have waiting for the drawing prize, but Konata took a totally difference angle here--回上一層(熱鍵:b)
Can't agree with u more!!!!


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